Hi all, I feel rather deflated this week after seeing so much negativity in the world… The one time when we all need to come together it’s as though the world couldn’t be any further apart if we tried. We live in a society where if you get told “do not push the red button” people want to do exactly that. Therefore, with this pandemic causing much confusion for most it seems as though people try to find loopholes or rules for why they should be meeting others. Obviously, I have no power myself to stop people from meeting however I want to vouch how important it is to stay indoors if you can. Just because something is not visible to the human eye does not mean it isn’t there.
One of my family members tested positive for Covid-19 and when I was on the phone to them they told me how the virus actually was. “shortness of breath, constant cough, feeling like their eyes were being stabbed.” Not being able to get out of bed for weeks. I made them laugh and it was awful they had to end the call as the coughing got out of control and they could not breathe. I wouldn’t wish this virus even on my worse enemy as the saying goes (not that I have any enemies.) Thankfully, this family member has beaten Covid-19 still slowly getting back into routines of going for walks however their first 3km walk I quote.. “felt like they had done a marathon.”
I would much rather not see my friends or family for a few months than risk never seeing them again. The issue what people do not still remember is just because you don’t have any physical symptoms of the virus does not mean that you do not have it. You could still be a carrier and risk spreading to more vulnerable people. I don’t want this to seem like a nag, but I would love to see our country work together as our rules have been very lenient compared to most countries.
I am in a very fortunate position that I have a big family, my grandparents garden links on the back of ours and my boyfriend has been living with me throughout the duration of lockdown. I know there is people out there in lockdown on their own and my heart goes out to them people and I hope that you are coping and still waking up and finding a reason to smile each day.
On my social media I follow some fitness influencers as I enjoy their content and they are the types of body shapes I am myself. It saddens me that people are sending them daily messages saying “you’ve gained weight” no one will stay the same weight throughout their entire lifetime, some may fluctuate in between sizes others may drastically lose or put on weight. Regardless of these situations it does not give anyone the right to comment on another person’s shape or size in a negative light. Your body shape does not define you as a person so don’t let other people use this against you.
I’ve always been taught to choose my words wisely as no matter what you say it will always have its repercussions. Within the first five minutes of meeting someone they have already decided on if they like you or not as to how you act, present yourself and speak. You may meet the jolliest person tomorrow and assume that they love life and have everything. However, they could be struggling to pay rent and in a dark place or just come out of a relationship but trying to cover their sadness. The outside mask can be a dangerous creation. Please make sure that you are kind to everyone you know as it can truly change someone’s day. You don’t have to focus on pleasing everyone, focus on the people who help you be the best version of yourself.
2020 has not had the best start to the year, Australian bush fires, celebrities committing suicide, a global pandemic, racism. It makes me wonder are we working backwards rather forwards?.. On another note, try to remember what you are grateful for in life, at tea the other night we went round as a family sharing one thing we was thankful for. I am thankful for health within my family although I stated a family member had tested positive they have recovered, and I will always be grateful for that. The rest of family is safe and healthy in their little bubble. I hope we all get through this as a country and try to work TOGETHER.
I have gathered a few quotes of working “together” to raise awareness of why there is certainly no “I” in team.
- Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress and working together is success
– Henry Ford
- We may have all come on different ships, but we’re in the same boat now – Martin Luther King JR
- A community that is engaged and working together can be a powerful force – Idowu Koyenikan
- If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.
Skye x
Very true Skye, you take care xxx And I hope your family member is getting stronger each day xxx