Motivation is a powerful expression as it can be something that consumes you as you feel like you have to be constantly motivated and sends you in a whirlwind of procrastination. Or it can fill you with hope and joy knowing that you have a goal to reach and setting progressive steps in making the dream become a reality.
But what is motivation?
Motivation is the word derived from 'motive' which means needs, desires, wants or drives within an individual. It is the process of stimulating people to actions to be able to accomplish goals.
Steven Pressfield once stated "at some point the pain of not doing it becomes greater than the pain of doing it." In other words it is easier sometimes to change than stay the same. Every choice we make in life has a price, our mind crosses a mental threshold typically after weeks of procrastination but to be able to overcome this threshold we must accept change and a new behaviour. A lot of people will struggle firstly finding motivation but to break down the process you must start by scheduling your motivation... This might sound strange to most but take working out as an example, if you don't set a time to workout or go for a run each day you'll wake up hoping that "you feel motivated to exercise today." Setting a schedule probably seems too simple for you however, it puts your decision making on autopilot by giving your goals a time and a place to focus on.
Stop waiting for motivation to come to you and start setting schedules for your habits. By being able to create this habit it defines the line between professionals and amateurs. Professionals set realistic targets and stick to them. Amateurs wait until they feel inspired to do so.
Start by trying this seven steps to success.
Set a goal and visualise it. Even the smallest of details (known fact - athletes visualise their performance down to the smell of the sweat dripping off them.)
Make a list of reasons why you want to accomplish this goal
Start 'chunking' break the goal into smaller sections and set rewards for when it is achieved
Have a strategy and be prepared for a change of course - life is like rollercoaster, you can't tell when it's the end and there's twists and turns waiting for you.
B prepared for your motivation to flag - it's not for your motivation levels to drop but how you overcome this will make you a stronger individual
Constantly check in with yourself as to why you are doing this - see the bigger picture altogether where you are now isn't where you want to be think of where you could be when your head and heart are in the same place.
These steps to success might not work for everyone as each individual interprets success and motivation in their own way. But i am a strong believer in setting goals even if that is just setting goals for the day or weekly goals each of these can help you as you have something to keep you on track throughout the day.
I've not always been an extrovert, in school I was always known just as the nice one and would tend to let people walk over me but since going to university I truly feel like I have found myself occasionally I still have those days where I just don't want to talk to anyone and just be by myself. But I have learnt what I want in life, how to prevent certain situations from happening and how to gain success out of most things I do. If I start something I'm the type of person to not stop until I finish it as I've learnt that motivation and determination has helped me achieve many wonderful things. Take for example my route to becoming a physical education teacher, during school I was never the "top athlete" but as time went on I found my love for sport I was starting to make progress rather than being pulled up for even possible rule you could think of in netball so I chose to go sport at GCSE I loved this found that I was doing quite well within this and I found my passion. At A-Level I took sport and found that this next jump up was not how I expected it to go, I've always had to study hard to get to where I want to be unlike my brothers who seem to have a natural ability in tests. I failed A-Level sport and I lost all of my confidence I felt soul destroyed as if my career path had come to an end. Until... That summer my teachers could see my potential and wanted to help me therefore offered me the BTEC sport route. This was a two year course which I had to complete in eight months, I can't thank my teachers enough for this opportunity as I received one of the top marks in the class D*D* ( A*A* equivalent) this then meant I was able to get into university. Which in a few weeks time I will be finishing and going into my final phase before becoming a teacher.
My journey is no different to anyone else's but it is where I found my place and knew I wanted to be able to give back what I was offered. If you have a goal don't lose hope on it just because the way you had it planned out didn't go accordingly doesn't mean you won't reach the end game. Take the risk or opportunity, I can now say I have the confidence to go into any given opportunity with my head held high as I know that if something fails along the way I will get back up and keep going. I have the motivation to not be defeated. Tell yourself you can do it and you are enough.
Skye x
Hi Skye, I’ve just read your latest blog, very well written and really encouraging words. You should be very proud of all you have achieved xxx And I might even do an exercise class this morning now xx
Thank you again for your words, go get what you want XxxX